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  • Call : (+20) 100 170 9857

FOCAS 2021

Our Event Starts in:

FOCAS 2021
Welcome Dear Colleagues and Friends, it is a great pleasure and honor to extend you a warm invitation to attend the 3rd FOCAS & 1st Med-Delta conference, that will be held on June 16-18, 2021 in Helnan Palestine Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt. This conference will be done in collaboration with Clinical Oncology Department, Faculty of Medicine -Tanta University and Clinical Oncology Departments in Delta Region. Our goal is to bring together national and International expert oncologists to improve the knowledge about the new trends, challenges and how to give a good platform and to resolve the problems relating to the Breast Cancer management. With the new era of checkpoint inhibitors (CPI) and due to its important role in the management of different types of cancer so there will be a special entity inside the conference. We welcome your participation in this educational program, and we hope you will enjoy the conference and the beautiful stay in Alexandria. Hope to see you all