• 14 Mohamed Mandour St. Nasr City - Cairo
  • Call : (+20) 100 170 9857

KAI-ROS CJC Breast Cancer Seminar

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KAI-ROS CJC Breast Cancer Seminar
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AnKAI immersive -ROS interactive (Ancient experience Greek: KcupoO that helps 'theyoung rightoncologists , critical, ortoopportune explore the moment tips and 1 .sk?::;v>'i
tricks in managing challenging situations in modern oncology. This format provides the basic
knowledge needed in the disease area of focus through short condensed lectures or case
I themes.
Then meet-the special -expert challenges round table , tips discussions and tricks . Each will of the be parallel tackled discussions through multiple will focus breakout on one J
interesting topic or challenge with the supporting evidence and debates around it. The group
discussions will be of
5-8 persons and will take 30-40 minutes. After the discussion ends,
V I each team leader will present a 5 minutes take home messages of the specific