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  • Call : (+20) 100 170 9857

the 11th Ain Shams University International Clinical Oncology Conference Abstract

Abstract Form

File size must be less than or equal 5MB. PDF, Word allowed only.

Oral Presentations:

Select abstracts, chosen by the Program Committee, will be presented as an oral presentation. Complete information (including presentation details, poster dimensions, etc.) will be provided after acceptance notification.

Poster Presentations:

All accepted abstracts will be displayed as posters throughout the meeting. Complete information (including poster dimensions) will be provided after acceptance notification. Please read carefully before submission as abstracts that do not follow the criteria will not be reviewed
1- Abstracts must be supplied as a word file in their final order.
2- It is not possible to reorder them once they have been processed.
3- Abstracts will NOT undergo copy-edi/ng or style edi/ng.
4- The submitting person will receive email confirmation of receive.
5- Each abstract must not exceed 350 words and must be structured as follows: TITLE IN BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS Authors list, with Surname and Initials (Smith GH), affiliations identified with superscripts (e.g. Smith GH1) Affiliations for each author, as Department, Hospital/University, City, and Country.
6- Abstract, structure should be in the following format (Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusions).
7- No figures, tables and references will be accepted.
8- You should indicate the Presenting author (usually it is underlined).

Video Presentations:

if you want to upload a video please up load it to youtube and add the link in a .txt file